

If you were to ask me what my least favorite day of the week is, I would most likely tell you Saturday.  Maybe Sunday, but probably Saturday.  That sounds crazy, right?  Well you have met me, right?  For the most part, I answer this way because Saturday is usually a homework day.  Yesterday, I managed to leave my dorm once, to get breakfast, and that was it.  Sounds like a fun filled day, huh?  Not really.  I sit around all day contemplating doing my homework, thinking that if I stare at it long enough, it will miraculously just get done by itself.  Wishful thinking, I know.  My roommate said I should have a fun weekend, go hang out with friends, go see a movie, whatever.  Well to be honest, I don't have that many friends here in which to hang out with.  I don't feel like driving 20 minutes in a freezing cold car to a movie theatre, or walking 10 minutes in the freezing cold across campus to the performing arts building. 

 Ok, so call me lazy, it's true, I am.  I am also one of the best procrastinators I know.  What's my technique?  Sleeping.  When I get bored or frustrated or whatever, I'll take a nap.  At home it used to be watching tv, but here at school,  you can often find me taking a nap when I should be doing homework that's usually due the next day.

Someone should do an experiment.  Ask me a question during the week day and write down my answer.  Then ask me the same question during the weekend, and I can almost guarantee you that my weekend answer will be way more depressing and pessimistic.  Haha, someone should really conduct that experiment, but then again, they'd probably have me committed....

1 comment:

BlueFlame said...

One of the best procrastinators you know huh? Well I had better be the best one you know. Unless you write papers the morning they're due also. :P