
Spring Break-itis

You know how some people get Senioritis, that disease that hits around mid-January and lasts until summer?  Well I'm convinced that there is a new disease to be research, and it's called Spring Break-itis.  Yup, that's right.  It can be brought about by gracious RAs that decide to tape the 'spring break sign out' sheet onto your door more than a week in advanced. Super.

Other cases can be brought about due to the fact that the weather has been gorgeous for two days in a row.  That's right, yesterday and today, the sun has decided to shine down on our small little town.

Symptoms include: procrastination, laziness, sleepiness, a desire to skip classes for no apparent reason, and uncontrollable laughter.  If you, or someone you know, is experiencing these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.



I never thought religion would be a huge barrier between friends, but now I feel like it might be.  Ok, so it's not the biggest barrier, that would be me and my big mouth never knowing when to shut up.  But religion has become an issue.  What's the point in feeling special that my religion is different when it seems like it's causing more problems than it's worth.  So it's not the actual religion that's causing problems, it's the understanding and misunderstanding of various religions.  So now I'm questioning, what was the point of attending Hebrew School for so many years, if now I'm just going to wish that I was a different religion?

The thing about religion is that it's not something tangible like red hair, blue eyes, and glasses.  It's something that can be altered throughout your life.  I'm not saying I would change what I believe just to make someone else happy, but at the same time, what exactly do I believe?  I'm not entirely sure.  How am I supposed to believe that there's someone out there watching over me, who allows such horrible things to happen in my life?  [and I'm not just talking about right now]  You can't honestly want me to believe that there's a reason for everything, because that means that there's a reason my grandma had to die, or my grandpa that I never met.  Sorry, but I'm just not buying that "everything happens for a reason" philosophy.

Atheism sounds pretty good right about now.

Happy Mardi Gras.



I'm sorry.  This is for you.  You don't have to talk to me now, I'll understand.  When you're ready.

Today has been...interesting. So glad it's half over.



If you were to ask me what my least favorite day of the week is, I would most likely tell you Saturday.  Maybe Sunday, but probably Saturday.  That sounds crazy, right?  Well you have met me, right?  For the most part, I answer this way because Saturday is usually a homework day.  Yesterday, I managed to leave my dorm once, to get breakfast, and that was it.  Sounds like a fun filled day, huh?  Not really.  I sit around all day contemplating doing my homework, thinking that if I stare at it long enough, it will miraculously just get done by itself.  Wishful thinking, I know.  My roommate said I should have a fun weekend, go hang out with friends, go see a movie, whatever.  Well to be honest, I don't have that many friends here in which to hang out with.  I don't feel like driving 20 minutes in a freezing cold car to a movie theatre, or walking 10 minutes in the freezing cold across campus to the performing arts building. 

 Ok, so call me lazy, it's true, I am.  I am also one of the best procrastinators I know.  What's my technique?  Sleeping.  When I get bored or frustrated or whatever, I'll take a nap.  At home it used to be watching tv, but here at school,  you can often find me taking a nap when I should be doing homework that's usually due the next day.

Someone should do an experiment.  Ask me a question during the week day and write down my answer.  Then ask me the same question during the weekend, and I can almost guarantee you that my weekend answer will be way more depressing and pessimistic.  Haha, someone should really conduct that experiment, but then again, they'd probably have me committed....


flip flops...?

So as I'm sitting here defrosting, I thought I might as well use my time wisely.  Why am I defrosting?  Well I had made plans to study with a fellow student for an upcoming Psychology test at the library.  We said we'd meet at 11 on Sunday morning, sounds perfect, right?  Wrong.  The library opens at 12 on Sundays, a little piece of information that had slipped my mind.  So as I stood there outside the library for about 20 minutes, debating with my mom via cell phone whether or not I should wait or leave, I got a tad bit chilly.  The view from my dorm room window had been lying.  It made me believe that the temperature today was as inviting at the 55* of yesterday.  It's actually not that warm today, so my feet got kinda raw standing outside in flip flops for that length of time.

By now I'm pretty much defrosted, and getting ready to trudge over to the library yet again.  Probably gonna wear shoes and socks this time...