
welcome to college life 3.

First of all, thanks for the comments, they make me feel better.  Second of all, these last two days have been excellent.  Each day just keeps getting better and better.  That's not to say that I can't wait to go home and see my family and friends, and of course, my Joseph.  But I'm doing a lot better here.  Today was good.  This morning, one of my floormates asked if I wear colored contacts, I said no, she said that was "impressive".  Implying that I have nice eyes, not a bad way to start out the day.

But the icing on the cake has to be this: next weekend is parents' weekend and my parents are bringing up my car.  Ok, well it's not actually my car, it's my dad's car.  But he's getting a new truck for work so I can have his Jeep [which by the way is the best car in the entire world.].  The fact that my parents are going to sell Fratelli [what I have affectionately named my truck] doesn't bother me all that much.  A Jeep is going to be so much easier to parallel park than my tank of a truck.  So now I won't be stuck in the middle of Nowhere, NY.  Awesome.  And I can go to WalMart.  Even better.

There's so much to do here, so now I'm off to see Get Smart for $2, can't beat that!

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