

Four down, one to go.  That's the stereotypical response you would receive when you ask a college student how they're doing during finals week.  That's so cliche, boring.  No thanks.  If you were to ask me how I'm doing, currently, I would probably answer as follows:  All I have left is Biology, and then I can go home.  Although, I do have to pack between now and Monday afternoon, but don't worry, I'll get there.  This type of packing should be easier than most.  Basically, take everything off the shelves, out of the closet, and empty all the drawers.  Throw all my stuff into boxes, and tape them shut.  The hard part comes when I have to carry all these boxes down a flight of stairs to my ready and waiting car.

This past year has been interesting, no doubt.  Let's recap.  I've made some great new friends as well as keeping the old ones that matter.  Long distance friendships are difficult, especially when your main source of communication is Instant Messenger, but look, we've survived.  We're still friends, and will be for a long time.  This makes me smile.

As bored as I currently am, I thought this was going to be an uber long post, but it turns out it's going to be cut short.  I'm just that bored; not a good this.  Too much free time tends to make my mind wander, and I really dislike that.

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